Discussion Boards  |  General Discussion  |  Classic Addons

  Wed 08-28-2019 8:41 am

Dominos Classic - Minimalist action bars
Questie - A quest helper (little buggy but helpful)
ClassicAuraDurations - Restores cooldown swipe timers
OneBag3 - One bag to rule them all!
ClassicCastbars - Adds castbars to TargetFrame and nameplates
Auctionator - Improved auction management
Real Mob Health - Displays health numbers for mobs
DBM-Classic - Deadly Boss Mods - Don't stand in the fire!
Vendor Price - Tries to replicate displaying the vendor price of items
Coordinates by TomCat’s Tours - Map coordinates

These are the mods that I'm currently running.  Listed in order of how much they have enhanced my game experience to this point.  In vanilla, I never used a UI mod (at least not one that I stuck with for more than a night).  I love Dominos.  It's super easy and very clean.  There's a screen on our discord chat page.

Feel free to add your favs to this thread.
  Wed 08-28-2019 10:41 pm

Bagnon has now been updated and works in Classic. That is my preferred bag add on.

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